Monday, April 12, 2010

Which Foods Cause Eczema ?

1. Wheat, especially white flour (using whole grain spelt is a little better. Toast bread well (but do not burn) to transform hard-to-digest starch into carbohydrates).

2. Milk and dairy products (drink lemon water instead).

3. Eggs (forget about it (complex proteins does not combine well with any other food. Eat alone at your own risk));-).

4. Refined sugar (use maple syrup instead (or brown unrefined sugar, U got that, sugar!?:-)).

5. Pork, beef, red meat, cured meat (no dice. organic white meat if you must have meat. fish much better).

6. Potato and other starch rich food. (use vegetables low on starch instead. Drop any potato like a hot potato;-).

7. All nuts (almonds are ok, but be careful so you don't go nuts (I cannot help it, pls forgive me:;).

8. Beverages to avoid: Alcohol (yes, even beer), coffee (please...), milk (unless you are a newborn because mothers milk is good), black tea (green/white tea better).

We could go on and on about food, eczema causes, and triggers. These items are simply just a small list of food I still tend to avoid even though I could eat them without any problem (and sometimes when I "have to", I do).

Many people that have done a little research would be "aware" of a lot of the items I've listed above. What most people are less aware of though, is eczema causes and food combinations.

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