Monday, April 12, 2010

Excema cure .

A dysfunctional digestive system and colon is SERIOUS business. That's why I wrote the article Eczema Symptoms Is Your Body Screaming For Help!.

So, why is food combinations so important when it comes to eczema causes?

Because how you combine your food has a tremendous impact on how well your body is able to digest that food. In fact, how you combine different foods will to a large extent determine if the food you eat is "poison" or nourishment for your body.

I promise that you will understand why digestion is so important when you are done reading this article series.

So, how does food combinations effect digestion?

The simple answer is that the acid strength required to digest different types of food vary greatly. When the "wrong" foods are combined digestion is compromised.

Factor in that more or less EVERY meal you ever ate consisted of horrendous food combinations, then you begin to understand the seriousness of this problem in our culture (and in the world at large).

Below are the simple, yet ignored, guidelines for proper food combinations:

1. High Protein (meat, fish etc.) should ONLY be combined with low-starch vegetables (nothing else ever).

2. High Starch (pasta, rice, corn, potato (I would avoid ALL potato), grains etc.) should ONLY be combined with low-starch vegetables (and never with high protein foods).

3. Fruits should be eaten ALONE as a separate meal (melon and citrus fruits like grapefruit should not be combined even with other fruits).

4. Avoid dessert altogether (or at the very least eat it as a completely separate meal 3-4 hours after your last meal).

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